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Short Guide to Taking the Best Selfies

Joseph Nicholls573 18-Aug-2019

In this era of social media, selfies have become a part of most people daily life. Everyone struggles to get the best shot to post unfortunately  Pinning the best selfie is not an easy task even expert on the field has to take a couple of too many shots before finally getting the right one. Although there isn't a specific guideline to take the best selfies, there are some tips that can help you better the quality of your selfies.

Tips for Taking the Best Selfies

1.    Make Sure For Good Lighting

Natural lighting ensures no casting of shadows in your face and eliminates eye bugs. Holding a piece of white paper below your chin will increase your selfies lighting effect and reduces the double chin effect. Use the flash when there is low light or during the night to brighten your face.

2.    Take A Lot Of Selfies

Tilt your head in different positions and directions while adjusting the angle at which you are holding your phone as you take shots. This will give you a variety of selfies to pick from. Film yourself while striking different poses afterward, you can freeze the best selfies from the video.

3.    Adjust The Angle Of Your Camera.

Selfie sticks can help you find the best angle for your selfies. If you don't have one holds your camera up to the same level of your eye and keep your chin down. Don't stare directly into the camera. This piece was advised was given by Kim Kardashian, one of the experts in taking selfies.

4.    Avoid Shadows

The best hours to take selfies are during sunset and sunrise when the light is low and your face still fresh. Noontime is not the best time since the sun is too high and can cause eye bags. Avoid facing directly into the sun.

5.    Natural Expressions

Raising your eyebrows slightly makes your eyes look bigger and your face brighter. Smile naturally without appearing to be forced. Pull your face away from your neck to elongate it and also sharpen your jawline. Through all this, make sure to maintain your relaxed position.
Don't stare directly into the camera; instead, everyone has a side that captures good pictures, so take the photo from your right side; either left or right.

6.    Don't Over-Edit

Use appropriate filters to edit your pictures. Everyone wants to look gorgeous in their photo hence turning to editing apps; apps like Afterlight will help correct the lighting effect of your selfie.
Although editing pictures is important, overdoing or using many filters will make you look unnatural. Edit your pictures lightly to correct parts that you do not want while making sure you don't get lost in it. Go for the filters that you look best in.

7.    Have A Good Background

Background can enhance the quality of your photo. Rich backgrounds like oceans, forests, or a good painting draw more interest to your selfies.  Make sure your background is rid of untidy stuff.

Updated 18-Aug-2019
Hi, I'm Joseph Nicholls.

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